
What does coincidence mean?

This name that you give to a state that is really only an abstract notion of your world here on Earth is really only a way to say that you do not understand what is happening in your surroundings, in your environment, in your Life. It allows you to say to yourself "oh I had nothing to do with it", "it happened like that", "I don't know how it happened", "it is so wanted, determined", "I am not responsible for this event because I don't understand where it comes from, how it could happen". Yes, that is what this word is for, it was created to help you live your instincts, your emotions, your illusions better here in matter. It is a useful tool to help you think that you should not believe you are responsible and therefore it prevents you from having to work on yourself, to change your behaviors, to review the conception of Life that you have of it and especially it prevents you from believing you are the culprit of this event which occurs by chance. Yes, chance is a creation of your being, of your mind.  It helps you to live according to your habits, it confirms you in your state of being individuals who do not create anything since this last one, this word invented by you, this term so useful, so anodyne, it is the one that allows you to clear yourselves of your acts and of your results. So what do you want to know? If chance exists? If this word invented by your mind is a reality in matter? There is no such thing. You are God's creatures, created in his image, you are those divine beings who have come here for a time to work, to work on your destiny. How can you think that this depends on chance? You are so caught up in your matrix that you let your mind dominate you. Your mind tells you that it is not your responsibility, that the events that happen to you are not a reflection of your thoughts and that you are therefore subject to a kind of event that acts without you, without your decision. It is inconceivable, it is unthinkable, it is aberrant, it is mind-boggling to see your mind acting to this extent. We are amazed. Your matrix possesses you to such an extent that you no longer believe in your power, in your ability to create and to work in matter. Do you really think that the situations that happen, that unfold before your eyes are the result of chance? Is your life a mirage? You believe in the illusion of a world that is not reality, you have invented this term to hide behind the fear of your actions. You are creators.