Crop circles

Are the crop circles that appear in the fields man-made?

Come on, do you believe that aliens come on purpose at night in isolated areas to make drawings in the wheat fields or fields of various cereals? Do you believe for one moment that these aliens from the far reaches of the universe want to make drawings? Why do you think so?

To give messages to men, to warn them of what is coming soon, to alert them?

Then do you believe in that? That they come to give messages to men? Come on, please grow up, believe in yourself. Don't take this kind of drawings seriously. You are beings of stupidity. It blows us away. Think about it. What would they come to do at night in the fields, in the countryside? These drawings are mirrors to show you that you expect others to come forward, to help you from outside, from the invisible. Yes, it comes, but not in this way.

We are there, we live in you, we accompany you, we do not have to manifest ourselves in this way. It comes in another way. In your heart, we act, we open doors and deposit stones, flowers, poems, gifts, desires to help, but in no way should you believe in these growing affabulations that arrive in these so-called telluric or cosmo telluric places. These high places supposedly of strong energies would be there following the creation of these drawings coming from elsewhere. Come on, energy is not constituted in this way. There are no superior powers brought by geometrical dimensional drawings to make you believe in the coming of extraterrestrials to bring you coded messages from the universe. No be beings of stronger belief. These beings who are active at night in your regions are swindlers, beings who play, who have fun, who allow themselves to lie to you and to use your common sense which is not always perfect. Afterwards, don't be one of those who let themselves be fooled and get up. Go and see these beings of mystery and let them know that you are amused but that you do not believe in them. It is a game but it is not. What do you want life to be like. You are deluded by aliens that are not and you do not believe in invisible forces that cannot be seen.

So the world is reversed. You believe the seen lie but not the hidden truth. What can we do to help you discern the true from the false, the game from the real truth? How can we do this? It happens within you in your common sense. Activate it and you will be prepared to see the wheat from the chaff or the force of evil that transcends that of good will be.