The 5 divine laws

The supreme law of the land is the Great Spirit's law, not man's law.


The 5 divine laws

What is the main divine law that we must respect?

You are governed by powerful laws that you call divine and that govern the whole of Earth space.

This divine law that you call so, is the most intact law that you must apply to respect for your well-being on Earth. It is a matter of believing that a superior being governs you and it is so because it cannot be otherwise on Earth that powerful energies exist outside of your system and that do everything possible to articulate everything. You must therefore be aware that you are not divine beings without a higher being governing you and the entire system. This so-called divine law is Faith.

This law that we have called the primordial law is the law that is imposed on each divine earth being living on this planet Earth. This primordial law is that of belief in a superior galactic being, creator of the whole, unifier of all that exists in the whole universe. You are being asked to open your hearts to something much greater than you and impalpable to you. That is what is asked of you, not to believe that you are the ultimate yourself. This is not conceivable, so you must believe in a powerful, universal creator elsewhere in the global world around you. This is so that you can have your heart open to something greater than yourself. That is why this law is the most important law for you, which must be applied here on Earth, to your destiny.

What is the second divine law that applies to earthly beings?

This law is the law of divine manifestation. This law belongs to the Earth in application of the laws of the universe. It is about putting into practice the teachings of spirituality. Indeed, if the first divine law is that of Faith, it is appropriate in the second divine law to put into practice the Faith. It is thus a question, for the earthling, of believing and acting in this direction, i.e. to put in practice his Faith by concrete actions in his daily life and he becomes, thus, a spiritual being of share its acts which he poses at each moment, each moment, each presence, each thought, each step. He must put it into practice in his daily life. It is Faith, that is to say that it is not enough to believe, one must put it into practice in one's daily life, at every moment, every breath, every minute, every second of one's being on Earth. It is an art of living. It is a permanent absolute presence.

How does one put into practice the application of Faith? How can it be manifested?

Obviously, it is not easy for an earthling to apply the so-called divine law of Faith. Indeed, it requires a lot of distance from what you are, what you see, what you feel, what you experience, what you feel and what you are in appearance. It requires an enormous awareness of what you have come to incarnate, on Earth, that is to say a divine being. For that, to apply, means to purify your bodies by an irreproachable art of living that it is in terms of words, of acts, of emotions, of participation in the active life. This requires, for each being, a great sobriety in what he does on a daily basis and requires a purity of soul. He must find himself, thus, in himself and do this work of recognition of his divine being in his incarnation, in the matter and he must find himself to be able to apply the Faith that he has for the divine. This is how he can proceed. It is an inner peace and an inner discovery of yourself, of who you are. It is your path of Life, it is your quest, your mission of Life to discover who you are in order to understand what you have come to do in your cycle of incarnation because this is a long process which aims, as you know very well, at the improvement of the Providence, which is the ultimate goal of the creation of man, of the universe, of all the beings existing in the whole galaxy and the cosmic world. It is the only final goal. A spiritual evolution in search of universal, unconditional, permanent and unique Love in all its latitude.

What is the third divine law that applies?

There are, in fact, different principles that apply on your Earth and that are commanded by divine laws called, thus, by you, earthly beings. It is not quite that, but they are nevertheless great principles that apply on your Earth. So, the third so-called divine law is that of learning. It is about moving forward on the path of Life by evolving positively, that is to say, by improving yourself because that is the ultimate goal of your destiny on Earth. This is the karmic wheel. It is therefore a matter of moving forward on the quest for Love to find it at the end of the road and that is your ultimate goal, this quest called the Grail quest by your ancestors. They gave you signs of why you are on Earth because, of course, they already had the messages and they transmitted them to you in the form of symbols so that they would not be lost over time. Like your brothers, the Atlanteans, they had great power and they used this power for purposes that could not be heard by the cosmic laws that govern the Earth, so pieces of the path were placed here and there on the continents to open your eyes to your unique destiny, the ultimate goal of each Earth being, which is the unique quest for pure, divine Love. There you are, you are here to learn and to walk.

What is the fourth so-called divine law that applies to us?

This Earth is the law of knowledge. It is therefore a matter of working on oneself to identify what each one of you carries, what you carry, i.e. crystals that are within you and ready to be activated for a greater purity of who you are. This is the path of Faith. It is about making your bodies absolutely pure and therefore to answer the question of the fourth divine law, it is about crystallizing your bodies. This is a great mission that is required of certain beings who have come especially for this purpose, to this Earth, and who have an immeasurable role in the crystallization of the Earth being so that he may attain a great purity of his being and recognize what he is, that is to say the divine being incarnated on Earth. It is the crystallization of beings that will make the Earth better. It is therefore a question of making room for these beings who are here and dedicated to this difficult mission of making beings more divine through the crystallization of their bodies and their cells to transform their DNA by coding it with new genes, genes that carry absolute pure Love. This is the 4th divine law. The more Earth beings will be connected, crystallized in what they are, the more distant galaxies will be able to interact with this Earth.

What does it mean to make beings crystalline?

It is to help the suffering beings to become more divine beings. In this, it is through their structure that it happens, that is to say that they lighten their density. They become more luminous beings, that is what it means to become more crystalline. It is about making the bodies much lighter and therefore taking them to frequencies much higher than what they are today. Becoming more crystalline simply means making the bodies more pure.

These are magnetic fields that vibrate according to frequencies and depending on their capacities, beings will vibrate very strongly. The stronger the vibrations, the stronger the capacities. It is especially the energetic forces that are able to penetrate because the soul has traveled a lot, it is connected to many sources. It is, itself, a stronger reactor that impels other fields. The body is adaptable, it is able to do chemistry. It can adapt to higher vibration frequencies. We are guided by higher forces, we have a mind, the ego for the density of matter. It allows the basic events, to process them. It is the primary envelope, to this primary envelope was added the soul and according to the individuals, it is more or less charged in energy forces. Everything is organized. It is there to organize in the perfection of what there can be, that is the ultimate goal, it is the perfection of the world in the programming.

Quelle est la cinquième loi divine qui s'applique à nous ?

La cinquième loi divine est l'ultime loi d'application sur Terre. Il s'agit de l'aboutissement de la quête de ces êtres sur cette planète et elle vise à l'absolue émergence d'un monde meilleur pour l'ensemble de la sphère terrienne et de tous les êtres qui y sont incarnés. Il s'agit de rendre ce monde meilleur par ce que vous portez, par ce que vous aurez été capable d'accomplir, vous-même, grâce à votre évolution à l'intérieur. Et cela jaillira sur la planète Terre et là, un monde meilleur sera né à nouveau car c'est un cycle de recommencement perpétuel jusqu'à ce qu'un nouveau cycle apparaisse sur Terre. C'est cela le cycle de l'incarnation et de l'évolution spirituelle et le cycle des lois divines est ainsi achevé pour la Terre car il en est autrement dans d'autres systèmes plus aboutis que la Terre.