
The kundalini is the energy of the divine manifestation. It penetrates the being in its totality and envelops it with its light.

This being thus enveloped becomes a divine being because it has received from the manifestation of the divine, the Truth in the depth of its totality and the immensity of this being will manifest itself by a state of clairvoyance and a luminous aura. This aura will manifest itself by an open mind, lively, ready to break all the laws of the Earth and ready to oppose the non-divine beings in disharmony because this aura is the manifestation of the greater than oneself in one's flesh, one's bodies and the dimension of this aura is such that it encompasses in it a vastness of luminosity. And this luminosity creates in him a manifestation of love. Faith is activated and the Truth will descend into his flesh and he will breathe the Light, that of his Father. The divine asks his children to open their hearts to receive the graces because he is ready to come and sow his Light, the Light of creation, in the beings. This Light is the manifestation of the world of awakened beings who have opened their door so that the pleasure, the premises, the coming of a new world strewn with Life and love can be deposited there. This aura of the kundalini brings the person the awakening to himself, to his own destiny. His path is written in him and the manifestation of the presence of this energy has cleared his darkness and restored the alignment of his atomic parcels. This will allow him to glimpse the Light and to better identify the obstacles of humanity.

Keys are activated. The power released by this accomplishment of one's own matter is such that it is not comprehensible when it has not been experienced and it can only be experienced in a state of plenitude because the Lord has made this state of grace the ultimate moment, the moment by which knowledge becomes accessible to the one who will have benefited from transcendence and its orgasmic power, because the earth being is a being of love and it is by this that the whole of humanity has been engendered The kundalini is only the reservoir of this energy of creation and when it moves in the channels of the man it manifests its power because its glory of a being a man recognized by the divine creative energy. He becomes accomplished in that he possesses supremacy. He has made the connection with the Lord and he will be rewarded because this achievement requires a lot of fervor and humility. The main characteristics that make man a sensitive being free from tyranny and pettiness because he has worked on his own existence in this world and this stage he is allowed to reach is the reward. He can be proud of his resurrection because he becomes again the being he was in his childhood life, a happy and joyful man because Life is a spark of nuggets. It asks to be felt and the kundalini allows this state of inner well-being because it unites the voluptuousness of love with the fragility of intrinsic existence and this dimension reached encompasses the belief in a different world populated by beings of voluptuousness. This state of grace can only be attained by having performed actions in Faith and having allowed the realization of acts in the matrix. These acts are dictated by the Truth through Faith. The divine matrix is at the center of this ascension of this energy in the structures of man. It creates in him the feeling of having reached a state of transcendence which will allow this being to touch the Truth the one by which the world turns and how the inhabitants of this planet called Earth behave how they evolve and their belief brings them towards a world either of illusion if these beings are dispersed and turned on them or towards a world of splendor if the way of behaving is in adequacy with the divine paradigms i.e. the will not to afflict sentences to life.

The rise of the kundalini gives the awakening to the one who lives it, it gives the rise of the being in another dimension more cosmic, it allows to glimpse the voluptuousness of the other worlds and it grants the plenitude.

Bathe in these limpid waters and be the souls who will free the earth from its pride to reach the voluptuousness the key of the mystery of the existence. Children of God.

Victory to the one who will be the master of the Truth here below because tomorrow it will be the parcel that will unite the hearts.

Kundalini is a transcendent energy. It brings to the one who experiences it the pleasure, the splendor of the mystery of Life. This powerful energy contains within it the secret design of the ancestors, those who knew how to preserve in themselves the Truth about this incarnation in this world, in this magical place because Life has not always been on this Earth. It appeared a short time ago. Special beings came down from distant worlds and arrived here with knowledge. It had been transmitted to them by powers higher than your lower world. They passed on their knowledge about Life and these incarnated men brought with them this piece of knowledge about existence on Earth. This knowledge was lost because of wars. Men fought each other to conquer emptiness and scattered. The tables of faith, these writings were lost. Over the centuries, new beings came down carrying a great hope because they were inhabited by beautiful intentions and these men understood the need to pay homage to Life, to salute Mother Earth and to honor their Father, the creator of the whole because the whole connects men to each other but also between the cosmos and the Earth because man is one connected to the whole. The divine matrix perpetuates to generate life on Earth and to feed the souls of men.

The truth has been lost. The men came down and prayed and their strength in Faith generated by their eagerness to believe to bring back to the Earth the knowledge once delivered and misplaced by the futile commercialism of the race inhabiting the kingdom of the illustrious sages. This time led to cataclysms that caused the disappearance of this race to be replaced by another. The replacement caused the dispersion of the knowledge and the transmitted knowledge. These were restored by a godly people. They acquired this knowledge by the strength of their courage and transcribed the data necessary for the rise of energy in the spine. The sediment of the earthly man is his vertebrae. They contain the manifestation of the highest and the human origin because his bones are made of the specific fuels of this race adapted to inhabit this planet so poor in elements of constitution and his assemblies are a compilation of material of a disconcerting simplicity. It is built like a tree composed of sulphurous elements in its base and of nitrogen, it contains carbonic parts worthy of constituting alone the majority of its complex structure and finally of oxygen which is the engine of its life. Hydrogen is very volatile and this compound does not appear as the master key of its existence. It is an important element because it allows the reactions in these cells but the key is elsewhere. The matter of life is born from this assembly and its composition reflects that of the Earth which is no other than an organism also living, breathing. The totality of life belongs to the plant kingdom and this in spite of the observations that your researchers have made and their conclusion does not reflect the basis of what your conception really is.

You have come here to populate this Earth for its renewal. You have taken in you the pledge to carry out the missions entrusted to you by higher powers. These missions are to bring back the beautiful. Your life is dedicated to this but in spite of your commitments you are wandering in the egotistical, illusory world of your pseudo integration in a non-divine matter charged with dark and negative thoughts that pull you into the deepest abyss there is.

Go out, regenerate yourself and open your Self to a civilization worthy of your commitment. The kundalini is the surge of energy that awakens in you the memory of having chosen to work for the Truth by deciding to return to the Earth.

This place is a creation. Your life is connected to the whole.


Why several kundalini ascents?

Because your structures are so clogged and require so much cosmic cleaning that it is impossible for us to carry out in a single push at the risk of destroying your assembly. We proceed by successive phases and these phases are coordinated by the will of the being because in reality the only activator of its own power is the latter. It is the engine of its own realization. When we feel that empathy, depth of being, mercy, wisdom is required, desired in this being we activate through his will, the field of quantum, door to other dimensions because the rise of kundalini is the materialization of this opening to a dimension other than its own existence. It allows one to meet more distant galaxies through the aura. We cannot say more on this subject, it is reserved for another time and requires to complete the initiatory course by the realization of the divine providence inside oneself because after the rise of the kundalini, the path of the soul is written and drawn in the light of a messenger who brings with him and in him the keys of another reality. Is this the true reality? It is always the case that the path of destiny becomes clearer and lights up the steps of this new adept who takes his first steps in a new matrix to contemplate the pleasure of his being. For such is the destiny of man on Earth. Voluptuousness is the essence of his power and his incarnation is the fruit of his will. When man learns from him and transcendence emanates from him, let the fervor of the soul light up like a lighthouse this moribund darkness that has taken place in the pseudo matrix.