This magazine brings announcements that are not those of Faith. These ads include many messages that deal with the vision of their will but know that these beings are not guardians but elements of doom. Their magazine brings with it the messages of doom. Here is what they have to say to you Be beings of life, beings ready to deprive you in these times of fragility because your Salvation is in the hands of us, we the beings who decide your fate. We have decided for you the following. You will be in this year 2019 men and women led to ask you what will be the end of your civilization and this end is close, it is there because you will be souls dedicated to be under the orders of us, the men of the Lord. But know that this Lord is the one of death because no one can be under the reign of a man but only those who will open their Faith will know it. But these beings tell you that you will be their sheep, so wait for what comes next. They will decide to take you to their city of death by the following means. First, they will force you to behave like beings of death by forcing you to believe that you are already in danger, but this is not the reality. They will make you believe that your lives are threatened by famine, by war, and this will force you to manifest your own faith.
But this faith is not the right one. You must not allow yourself to be led into fear or suspicion but into the truth that is coming. Don't let yourself be taken in by beauty marks, that will not be the truth. But before that, they will force you to be one of them by the only way possible, that is, the way of freedom taken, that is, they will steal the faith that is in you and replace it with the strength to let you be taken into their world. This world is shown to you by this cover which is meant to be most reassuring, that is to say that they show you that the genius was Leonardo da Vinci, this being who has been a symbol of their glory is now highlighted on this cover but this is a sign, they want to remind you that this last one, this being who commands your world is a genius too because he comes from this lineage called the ancients. But know that this last one, this being so loved, so adored is in fact one of them. That's why on his chest is the mention Me too, it reminds you that this last one, this Leonard is one of them, a deceiver, a man of little virtue who has also sown in him and around him lots of lies, heaps of little heaps of thousands of false truths because he too was one of those who sowed tyranny, the value of death, because they too took advantage of others by forcing them to submit to their will and that is how these men raised, erected this world of evil around and within them.
But we have to believe that this last one, this being called of voluptuousness and goodness is nothing else than a man of little voluptuousness and little greatness because he has found in himself the strength to be a being of evil and today he is carried in greatness, in praise. But they are the same people, those of today are those of yesterday and those of tomorrow are those of today. So understand that this is a staging, an effect to show you that this hero is one of them, but that is not all. Learn to see that underneath him is this sex. This sex has been cut off, but this is a sign that your life is being ripped away too, because this is the way to prevent you from believing that you are evolving by reproducing. But in reality your life will now be in the hands of those who create life. They will decide who will be created and who will be put into this world that they create at their hand, but be among those who do not believe these lies. Another subject, the skull of this man called artificial intelligence. What do you see? A man connected, a being created too and who says created says he is created by them so they want to dominate the world by preventing you from creating. Only they will be creators and this world is the one they want so this world will be in their hands and you will be transformed into monkey species, into puppets mistreated and treated as they wish. That's why you see this kind of monkey disguised as a kind of hidden drawing but over-drawn as a wolf. What does this half-monkey, half-dog, half-man bear represent?
It is there posed on top as if it were the one that is. But this is you, your race will be transformed into this kind of bear half human, half animal and especially freed from its soul that is to say without emotion because it cannot be admitted that the being is capable of revolting then they will prevent the man from being the one that it is and will reduce it to a being without soul, a being of pure pleasure, a man of low dimension, an animal dedicated to work to his simple destiny to be confused in half-man, half-human but especially they want to reduce in him his strength, his Faith and his vision. So the man wears glasses, covers to be the one who stands behind a screen and above all he will not be allowed to move forward so he will have to be well held to his role of being a circus man, a puppet but encircled and kept in a cage that prevents him from surrendering to the truth. So this is what this hero that is Trump means. He is controlled, piloted, maneuvered by them because even though he is one of them, he does not want to be a pawn. But they want to keep him in his role, to be a pawn. Then the war will rage because the freedom to create is threatened and the verdict, their verdict is there in front of you clearly visible on this page. They want you to be simple humans anchored in a simple role, that of being pawns but beware their plan is macabre. You see the horsemen, those of the apocalypse.
They are on their way but why? They want the truth, theirs, that is to say the truth of their own world to manifest itself and this will force you to listen to their words, to turn to the darkness and to believe you are doomed. But these horsemen are there to frighten you, to threaten you. So they scare you and they force you to manifest that fear and that creates bad thoughts in you because the fear is ingrained and then they manipulate you into believing that it is written. But in reality it is only their will. Wake up. It amuses them to think that thousands or more of you will spend time decoding this page. It makes them extremely happy at the thought because you are one of those who think that this magazine has real symbolism but what about that? What is it really? Do they have this power? Yes they do, if you decide to, because nothing is written down, everything is moving and it is possible to put an end to this mistrust and manipulation. But in the meantime, they continue to invade the lands and the souls are under their control as long as the truth is hidden. This is the symbol of Disney. Disney, this odious character incarnated here in the form of a puppet and this is a real message for you. This so-called film industry is in reality a sanctuary of pedophilia and in this you are responsible because you deliver your own children to this industry.
But be sure that it cannot be this way with impunity because the power of light is to move forward inexorably. As the force of light moves inexorably forward, the force of darkness must diminish to make room for the truth. This is the way it is, nothing can thwart this push.
This is how it is meant to be and so it will manifest itself. But in the meantime, they are showing themselves because it is determined by a limited time. Their strength is waning so their own strength is concentrating but it can no longer be even if it is being revealed. They will give up their truth but since time is still on their side, they invade and steal from you. This is how it is with the photo of this kind of car fleet. They show you that tomorrow the electric car will be the car, but we will also be remote-controlled, i.e. with the car without electricity we will not drive and the electric car requires energies. So to produce them, it requires tons of new consumption of these energies called less polluting but these energies are possible by the means of a deforestation because the production of this new energy requires to produce much more volts and thus to consume much more animal matters i.e. products of low energies.
The conquest of space. We have to think that these heroes who want to design our world are thirsty for an epic and that this forces them to think that they are able to send beings to distant cities where other extraterrestrials reign. But are these space adventures really from our civilization or are they the result of their hegemony? And are they really able to send us to these so far away spheres? Come on, let's dream a little and say that this is a desired world. So let's let them boast about their exploits for a while longer and then we'll get back to the flow of the long-awaited truth.
What is the stork doing in the middle of this coded field? We think you will be surprised to see their ingenuity, to see how they think they can dominate us. So, according to these beings of truth, we are corrupted because we too buy products signed by their hand. So they move by making us deliver tons of billions of packages that fill our inner emptiness and force us to believe that we are now in a world dominated by the need to be put in a world of overconsumption otherwise we will no longer be beings of the world to become but beings left at the bottom of an immense field of desert as this animal species makes us believe. This dinosaur of the past times which resurfaces to enlighten us and to make us think that we left this stone age to arrive at the age of the dimensioned, of the connected. A great deal of nonsense awaits us if we return to this devolved stone age, which is about to be completely replaced by robotics. Especially since this Leonard holds in his hand this object of connectivity that allows us to make ourselves indispensable by making us feel that we are all linked. But in reality we already are, but in another dimension, that of the connection to our self, but that is another path that we take by turning to this world of connections that assemble us and hold us together in a vast chain called linkage. It is easy for them to give us their machines, their inventions, their truths and their will.
They knew how to unite us in a vast link of which it seems that they now wish to link us even more to unite us in a world of diktat subjected to their hegemony underlying and under hidden in this globe buried under these apparent images of drawings connected by what? Because in the end, these images have a common point. They are imagined to bring us the plan, that of the will to create an order of domination under the hegemony of the words of a man devoted to this being of the shade because this man who connects the whole is this Leonard. What connects him to the whole is that he has created these artifices himself. These beings dedicate an important respect to him because he was the illustrious Machiavellian of the construction of this destiny which is created daily in a calm of deep respect. He has in him this capacity to hide the truth by imagining and creating devices which will be those of a future but a Machiavellian future because such is in reality his scale, a man overwhelmed by desires of domination and thirsty by the fear of not being sufficiently acclaimed. So his soul pushed him to convert into a soul of death and here is the summary of this story. Be one of those who believe that their soul is dedicated to the demon's and you will be one of those who will have the strength to follow these beings in their next suffering because inexorably the light advances and therefore inexorably the shadow gives way. So understand that these so-called coded messages are those of a species that is bound to rebel for a while longer until the final extinction of their own rebellion, because transformed into a force of fear and thirst for power, this force holds within itself its own denouement, namely, its own rebellion with regard to its own eviction, its own self-destruction.
What is Putin doing on the cover?
This being is mentioned on this page because he acts alone. He is not one of those who want an order but one of those who hope to see the emergence of a nation under different colors, that is to say the form of this new country would be unified not by a single order but linked together by commanders i.e. leaders. Together they want to unify the worlds but at the same time allow these countries to remain in their unity, i.e. this world would be united while remaining under the control of their own leaders. A united nation but united under different leaders. This is different from what other leaders hope for, which is a single unity under a single government. So that is a nuance but this being is not only there for that. He is also one of them because he obeys their dictates and that is how he is still in power because without their strength he would not be there so he is also compromised in their will to achieve this unity. But without this being of weight, he would not succeed in maintaining the region under their will because also reigns in his own state of the opposite forces and these last ones are mastered but that is maintained because they also hold it even if this last one has velléités which are slightly opposite to the group of first force to know that this group occupies the front of the scene by their capacity to remain in the shade but also by their forces which are tenfolded by putting in the light of the leaders without shameless and ready to sell their heart to gain in glory. This is the case of many leaders of Europe but also of leaders on the other side of the Atlantic as in the USA.
What does Gandhi represent on the picture?
This being is there to mean that you have the choice, to be misery, poverty or wealth embodied by a world of virtue and these virtues are those of fear, mediocrity and submission. So Gandhi is there, alone in the middle of his globe, he is the result of the rebellion and this is how it happened. India lost its strength, its glory. India has remained in a state of perdition. This state did not conform, it did not bend to the contracts, to the will of the organizers of the coming of this united world. But Gandhi reflects this misery and this leads to a destabilization because the countries that refuse the coming of a united state are there, prey to a revolt of nations that demand wealth for them but this is only possible if the people release their faith and announce their crazy adhesion to this new world that wants to be established soon by the leaders of the shadow. So Gandhi is there, alone, isolated, because his soul is resistant and he is the poor but so rich that nothing can disturb his inner strength. He will be one of those who will be the heroes to come but it is not yet the time. Even if this one is on the way, the hour is still to those who want to annihilate the soul of the heroes. But these heroes are ready to move on too. Time is now a matter of data but it will bring about the revolution of free beings who will be joined by millions of warriors ready to demolish their Faith, without fear or pity because their Faith is so large that life is nothing.
It cannot be a brake to the advance of these heroes. Gandhi brings with him an immense warmth, a being of goodness incarnated here to unify the Faith and not to release fears. They know that these, these godly men are there but they do not think that this is stronger than their own strength. Nothing can transcend, be stronger than a soul happy to be subject to its own inner self and therefore in total freedom to be what it is that is a reservoir of humanity and not a reservoir of hate. Then will arise from these beings the strength to be and this will be done in the coming months. This is written null. No one can prevent the Coming from happening. That is why this being is a stake, a good man, a being of service. So understand that you too must not let yourself be manipulated by these demon beings who set up these magazines as a kind of victory to tell you this is your path, this is your life, you will be put in a vice. No none of this is truth for it will emerge from another world and have no fear. But follow the force within you, it shows you the real truth, the truth of your own manifestation. Do not serve anything other than your own truth, the one that is there, deep in your soul. The glow of truth is there but you do not see.
What does the bull dog with the Templar cross represent?
This cross is indeed that of the Templars. They are there, ready to pounce, to bring their power. Their power is on the way, but beware, this is not the end. This world is not theirs. But right now, they are concentrating their forces on maintaining their own strength, their power is deployed and this dog symbolizes all the animal ferocity they exude because their Faith is there, as if moribund, as if sent into spheres of war. While in them there is also the glow of life, of love, but they are blinded by their hatred. Their hearts are weary and they prefer themselves as warriors of death, so this dog reminds them that their strength is present even if it is not yet total, they project themselves as war heroes but beware their strength is weak because it is linked to the macabre life.
What does the mountain symbolize?
This mountain is that of truth. Yes, this truth will come from the lands because under these lands are in reality the underlying force of this new world because under these lands reign a world of vast dimension. So yes this mountain is nothing but truth. This truth is their fear, their fear of being revealed but they hide themselves so that allows them to be still present but the truth advances and attention it will be born in the heart of the beings and it will emerge as a force of life. This mountain is the symbol of this truth but they want to hide it so they invent lies, they undermine the true revelations and create manipulations that put the crowds to sleep but the truth is not a force like others, it cannot be hidden, it is always there. But for the moment it is buried because they act for the destruction of it because their hegemony is linked to the force of the truth, so they must prevent it from being. But be careful, this is not the way to defeat the truth, it does not belong to groups, it is what is. So this is a fundamental problem for these beings because they must keep it quiet, hide it, prevent it from being brought to light.
What does the elephant with the arrow-shaped tusk symbolize?
This elephant is the materialization of a world dominated by money, gain, finance. And it appears rich in pomp because it shows the road, the way of vanity, opulence. The power of money is created by this world but you must know that this elephant also symbolizes wealth, lust and madness because yes this being, this animal is so envied, so pampered, so highlighted that it generates in men a symbol of vanity, of power and it carries in it this lust. Look at these appearances, they are those of the prince. Of which one? That of the force of the shadow but do not believe that this one will be victorious, it is there a moment, the time that the man recognizes in him his supreme force, that of his own life, that of his own existence, that of his own infinity.
Message of November 30, 2018