Channeling Answer:
From time immemorial, God's emissaries have faced this: what should we do? Should we help our brothers and sisters in the name of mercy and devotion to the Great One, or should we protect our homelands in the name of maintaining unity to avoid chaos and strife, for these migratory flows bring into their midst outcasts from other nations, and these men, often armed, will create strife in the land and rape and pillage the people of these welcoming nations. This is certain. It is in progress. This will be the handicap of the response. How then can we select the dedicated and honest migrants from those who are bandits and beggars in disguise? They will reject the Christian religion and will want to establish in your lands rules that are not those of the countries opening their doors to these new beings from other states. Yes, the problem is obvious.
How to confront the imperative need to be a being of grace and deny the hand of the heart? How to conceive this? This is a dilemma.
Yes, you are right to put it this way because it takes great strength and courage to understand that your role on this Earth is to lead your destiny, your destiny. This implies living a life filled with love and helping your fellow man. But who is your neighbor? Is it a delinquent, a wretch in his soul and being or is it the one who has an open heart and wants to move forward on the path of light? Is this not the answer? Ask "who are you"? Are you a being of God? Do you want to bring love to this state that is reaching out to you or what do you want? Do you want to destroy life and take away the lives of your loved ones? Do you want to act in the name of God, Allah or pagan gods? What do you want? Who is your God? The one of your brothers or is your God the one of the prison of your heart? What do you choose? That is the question. That is the difference. You cannot take in all the misery of the world. The man of heart must identify his neighbor and identify what he carries within him. Faith or hate. That is the key to the question asked.
Open your heart to those who deserve, who are ready to be souls of peace and refuse any being of death, any being who has a locked heart because fear grips the weak and the poor are attracted by wealth and lust is lust, the one that will darken your destinies and that will make these migrants destructive beings and pariahs who have come to plunder your cities. It is up to man to understand that welcoming these hordes of foreigners from countries without a future can only be done in humility and in the willingness of the arrivals to cooperate and to establish a state of peace and joy. This is a matter of faith because it is not a matter of rejecting the most unfortunate but of identifying in them the faith and the virtue of bringing into their hearts the will to love their neighbor. This is what it means to act as a man of God, for the truth is the will to love and to destroy the Life of a being of Life is immoral and is a matter for the judgment of the Greatest, for He alone can judge the Life and death of a being of Life here in your dense matter. Beyond, it is different and Life is different. It is not governed by the same principles and the same commandments but here on Earth, in this incarnation of matter, it is dictated by the greatest.
Your freedom is relative and subject to his grace, so wipe away your tears and rise up and welcome these refugee populations. This is an act of charity but understand that the mass of migrants is not of the greatest purity and that sorting is necessary. Otherwise, you will be caught in a vice because your future will be dark if you let the enemy of Life enter your lands and this enemy is hidden in the arrivals. So be careful my Brothers and stand up to identify these beggars from elsewhere before letting them enter your lands under the reservation of crying because the truth will be revealed sooner or later and that will be without return because the stranger will be in your shelters and will reign terror on the unarmed crowds. The weakness of the being is also that of not having been able to identify his neighbor as a Brother or an enemy. This is his own failure and he will be the loser of this weakness. So get up.
Why is it said in the Bible that we should love our enemies and give them what we have?
What is called "migrant" is in reality the coming of men from distant cities. They are displaced because misery reigns in their own nation and these men leave their lands for the hope of a better life and they head for the welcoming and generous nations. These are the mass movements of people from all the lost nations or those who have been subjected to crazy actions by countries that want to take their wealth and establish their supremacy on these lands. These people are moving by millions and they are looking for life. The coming of these beings will be the cause of the revolt of the nations that have welcomed these masses without caring about their Faith and it will be the loss of the beings that have come to their door to let them in. They will create unrest and will be the ones who tomorrow will overthrow your peace acquired in times of past revolt, but that is how time is. The peace of some is maintained as long as it is allowed, then comes the time of the zizanie because man has allowed his own loss to come by not recognizing his enemies who have come from elsewhere to rob him, kill him and threaten to overthrow his hegemony by imposing rules of life that are not those of freedom. He did not know how to sort the wheat from the chaff and the Bible said sow the wheat among the chaff because it is up to man to choose his own destiny and your enemies are those who freely decide to pursue a destiny that escapes them and the latter will be the one that will make them become beings of Satan because they worship the Faith of a man who came to darken the truth here on earth. So yes, protect yourselves from your enemies even if they are protected because they know that their coming is orchestrated by inner authorities and they know that everything is possible for them once they enter the heart of the new invaded city. It will be destabilized by these dark forces that have come to prevent man from following his destiny of forgiveness and his path will no longer be that of truth because he will be forced to fight against new occupants and this will prevent his advance. But know that the enemies are those of the heart and the bible says that one must protect his brothers and welcome his neighbors as his own. But to say welcome those whose faith is gone is no different than saying open your doors to the death of the soul and that is like saying welcome the forces of evil into your walls and act as if everything is happiness and life is just a world of beauty. The truth is otherwise. The Bible says take and drink this is my blood given up for you. This is enigmatic and you really think that you have to drink blood from a body? Come on, search within yourself the mysteries of these words. They are hidden because they are in the depth of the heart. The truth was taught to you years ago and what did you learn from that? That you must drink the blood of Christ? Well, get up and act as a soul of love and be men of war, that is to say of heart. Yes, war is in you, so draw on yourself and work as soldiers of God and defeat your own enemies who are also those who want to exterminate you. Life is like that. It is useful to understand that the reign of truth is to be discovered and that the beautiful is manifested but also the less beautiful and this is called discernment. This is the key to your coming here on earth. You must act as an observer and understand that life is populated by the beautiful and the evil. Understand that your structures are different as you move through the cycles of life and that you do not all carry the same vibrations and that the love buried in your cells is sometimes slow to emerge from your structures. So, this is why all these men who came from afar are not all heroes and evolved beings. They also carry within them the stigma of hatred and fear that will force them to behave like the damned because they are prey to inner demons and these will be exposed because they are so. They carry within them a force still in the making of light. So yes, love your enemies, but do not sacrifice yourself. That is a lack of discernment of who you really are. Advanced beings who seek the light. So flee from evil and help those who suffer for they have a will to find the light and help you evolve. Understand that you must separate the wheat from the chaff for that is the way it is.
You are men bound to the earth, but it is up to you to choose the good side and refuse to associate with evil. It is important and urgent that you implement these principles because your security is linked to your discernment. My brothers, love for others does not mean sacrifice. God is not a dictator and he does not want violence. So understand that your acts of welcoming these masses indiscriminately is a mistake and it will cause you trouble if you maintain this option in your principles. Welcoming those in perdition is a sign of a lack of heart if it is caused by the will to create discord in the hearts of those whose souls are ready to discover the path of their own freedom, and this will have repercussions on your own destiny because your action is tainted by discernment and you will be judged for having allowed the force of evil to break the destiny of the souls ready to fly towards new luminous paths.
Your responsibility will be that of having allowed death to spread in bodies without having distinguished the truth, that of the will to forgive and to pose as a hero of life by wanting to welcome all masked men because it is your ego that tells you to act without discernment and it is your weakness to believe that only evil is capable of rejecting beings who have come from afar, but this is an error of judgment because the truth is simpler.