The moon

Did man really walk on the moon?

The answer is yes, you have walked on the moon but not in reality, in your memory, in your projection because the moon is an image, a projection of what your subconscious sees. It creates this and it is seen but it comes from the depths of your imagination.

You have been projected to believe that you have walked on the moon but this is not a possibility because the moon is not of this world, it is a star of life, of light and this prevents you from going there because the light cannot be reached so you see this star yes, but not close up because it is far away. It is one that cannot be reached because it is not of this world. Understand that this star is born from your own subconscious. It is created. So yes you can walk on this star but in your subconscious or rather in your reality which is not.

It is very improbable to think that you see things that are unreal but understand that matter itself is something that you believe in but it is not. So for the star is the same. It appears to you but it is not reality. The reality is another state of what you think. So your astronauts who walked on the moon are in fact instruments of your own subconscious. But don't let yourself be fooled or manipulated because science has never been able to demonstrate the reality of this and believe me it won't. Your reality is another world, another state than the one proposed. So do you really think that your sight is capable of seeing?

It is an aberration to think that you, men, have within you the capacity to walk on the moon, that star of light. What do you believe? That you are astronauts, heroes who walk on the moon? Come on, this is pathetic. You are nothing of the kind, neither heroes nor astronauts or whatever name your so-called scientific companies invented. You can walk on any other path than your own. This one is planned for you. Your projection is so structured. You do not walk on earth but you project an image that you walk on earth. How can you imagine that you are walking on the moon? Yes in your imagination. It is the madness of men to want to walk on the moon. It is the pathology of man to make believe that he walks on the moon. Come on, you can't.

It is programmed in you to walk on the earth. The moon is something else. It is light. It is what you call a star but it is matter. So understand that your only earth is the earth that you project from your soul. Your subconscious mind tells you to project this. It is programmed in your cells, it is your earth. The moon is so far away, so light, so clear, so bright that nothing can land on it. You think of it as an earth, but it is not, it is a star of light. Has anyone ever seen a man walking on light? That is a matter for his brain. The moon is matter because it is dense, it can be seen and therefore materialized in your eyes, so it is matter but it is only the reflection of your projections. So do you believe that you are walking on a projection? We laugh to see you conceptualize such an aberration, it is the work of your scientists who have been lying to you for decades and make you believe that you are advancing on the earth by creating rockets that will land on earthly stars located in the atmosphere. But this is the fruit of their invention because nothing can allow man to walk on the moon. It is a star of light, not of life, only of heat. So do you think you can walk on sand? Yes it is possible. But do you believe that you will walk on dust? Then yes it is possible. But do you believe that you can walk on shreds of dust? Yes it is possible. But do you believe that you can walk on snow? Yes, this is the fruit of life on earth. But do you believe that you can walk on the moon? No, this is the fruit of imaginary. The moon is a star, a light. So stop believing these lies, they put you to sleep and lie to you with false news to force you to believe that life exists on other planets but life is incarnated on the earth. What more are you looking for? Life on the moon is not there, it is in you this story. Life is a projection of your structures, look no further. This is a lie of your scientists, they make you believe that you can cross the light and go to land on planets elsewhere but this is a story of these men. They have been lying to you and deceiving you for years. 

Stop believing that you are heroes of the universe. You are divine beings dimensioned to project yourselves to lands. This is a concept other than saying I will land on alien lands. This is an imagination of those life beings called bastards yes this term is used by us to describe that these humans are men of little faith lost in their distress. They emit low light frequencies and this creates in them these discrepancies. Yes, we use a vulgar word for you, but this word "bastard" is the sign of a lack of light in these lost beings, lost in a path of no return because they have lost their essence, their Faith in their creator. So this term is that of the loss of Faith. Bastard does not mean for us what you have made of it, it is a much more serious word than yours, it simply means to lose one's Faith and to pursue a way without exit, without tomorrow because they are lost. 

Do you not believe in fantasy, in the announcement of a masquerade? For yes, your being is one who loves stories, so you are spoiled because your pranks are so big that your beings swallow them. So the truth is that the moon is a star and it is impossible to walk on it because nothing is real. How can you consider walking on the moon. Man is not capable of that. So yes, you are being fooled by superior beings and these beings are inviting you to enter a system of lies because they are manipulating the masses into believing that you can inhabit a moon. But come on, that would already be done. Why is it not yet? What are they waiting for to live on this star? Why don't they go back and forth regularly if it is possible? I do not understand. This is either astonishing or a lie. Let us think. I think that you are beings of little reflection because it is obvious that the lie is there, in front or even open, so much it is enormous. This story of walking on the moon is an invention of those people who want to make you admit the existence of transport systems that can go into space and therefore cross incredible areas, but it is not. You don't get out of your projection but even more you can't walk on light. So what do you think? Do you think that these prankster beings are manipulating you with inventions of this kind or do you think that it is likely that you will go and settle down one day, far or near, on this star of light? So what are your patterns of discernment? The vision of a possible world without invention or the vision of a world populated by people who manipulate you? This is a decision to be made. You have to understand that your point of view is essential and that this requires an analysis of the situation.

So how do you analyze this situation?

Do you think that the being or the man has put his feet on this star or that is an error of conception and your mind tells you by analysis and discernment that this is impossible? What does it say? It tells you not to believe everything you are told without analyzing the information and without verifying by your analysis the elements submitted to your mind? What do you think of this attraction? We lead you to adopt a discernment on the truths that are communicated to you by men who create your future but who are these men? Men of faith? Beings of life, that is to say of truth, or beings without Faith who are ready to manipulate you to convert you to ideas that suit them? For know that this is useful to keep the people in suspense. By holding them to dreams, they awaken in them truths, joys, hopes, but this with the aim of putting you to sleep, for yes, the will to put you to sleep is thus revealed. But how do they make you believe in these stories? It is easy.

They prevent you from reaching the real worlds, that is, the worlds of truth. So they conceal information of great importance and stir up feelings, glorifying you for being one of those who are able to go into the atmosphere. But this is a parade, a machination to make you believe that you need to be a good soldier ready to do anything to help science to further activate these hopes and achievements of being in space among the first. But this is a financial story because they are basically luring you into a consumer system by forcing you to manifest this state of joy, of believing in life on distant spaces, but your science is hiding from you the simple possibility that it is not possible to cross the barriers of the atmosphere under pain of being reduced to mush or particles if you prefer. But at the risk of disappointing you, do not believe these bastards or rather these beings without Faith because yes bastard does not mean what you believe but beings without Faith in the original sense, this term was that of a being of little Faith.


What is the moon ?

What is this solar star? Yes, solar. Does it not shine in the dark? Doesn't it shine in the dark? So, yes, we call this star light.

It was born from the will of creation to have a visible light in you day and night. It serves as a beacon to your interior because yes you project that also from your structures, you are programmed for that. These stars do not exist in themselves but they are there because you project these artifices. They allow you to live because without light there is no life on your earth. These stars are called moon or sun stars because they permanently offer a visible light to your eyes. It comforts you to see them because light is your engine, your horse. Your source is light so your structures create strange stars that you see in the sky and this is enough to keep you in this space because it allows you to understand that you are below and that matter is dense and not light like these stars. From duality you draw your living space. Is not the earth seen from the sky a globe, a world map without form, without light? This projects beyond you this sphere which is thus shown as a round ball. But how do you imagine this to be? It is a transformation of the light on you which is also projected in your world map to illuminate life because the light is your matrix, your field of consciousness is this yellow star. It helps you to support your incarnated structure here to bring you to evolve in more galactic places and this contributes to allow you to hold on down here in this so-called density world but the truth is different. We have created this bubble, it is shown in this way but it is different, it is round of course but it includes within it the so-called stars of light. These stars are concentrated in this bubble which it encloses and nothing comes out of it. This is a round ball enclosing two stars of light playing their role in turn at night and during the day. Here is the truth, nothing is outside, everything is understood transformed by your science but nothing is outside. Your stars are reflected in your waters and this gives you the illusion of seeing. Life is created. The transformation of the earth is underway, programmed for this. It is now moving forward in its trajectory defined by you. We are working on your destiny to help you get out of your straitjacket in which you are poisoning yourselves. By dint of believing yourselves to be men of Faith, you have misplaced your own codes. They are now in your structures buried in the depths of your organs so activate them and come back to me, I am waiting for you and offer you the truth. 

Why do we project the moon if it is not real? What is the point?

The moon is a state, a moment, a stage in your progress on this earth so called because you, its inhabitants, fail to see the truth, the one that will be. But in the meantime, you are moving forward. You are evolving beings and the moon is only a reflection of this evolution. Do you think you really see the truth? No. But do you think you know? The truth is elsewhere in other hemispheres. Understand that what you see is only a reflection of your imagination. So why see a moon? It is a star and this star is a state of peace. So you project onto this star a state of future peace, the one that will soon be established. But first you have to project this state. So the moon is a state of peace that you project. Before you fully appropriate this state in your structure, it is first projected by the subconscious and then integrated by the will of the being to manifest this projection. This is a step, an intermediary before the truth that will be. This star is beautiful, it cradles your nights and soothes you when night falls, otherwise you would be fully isolated in the dark and it is a luxury not to face your fears because the night prevents your beings from watching. But what would happen if the moon disappeared? What would happen? A world of fear because the night grips the beings and locks them in their habitat. There is movement in this state of fear. Security is soothing. But the will of the being is not to believe in his fear but he is gripped by it. So the moon is a soothing star that comforts the being to stay in its shelter and to see among the shadows the path of life. That is why the moon. It is the reflection of his close evolutionary path. He must understand that this projection is a first step towards greater, towards the establishment of a world of beauty. So yes the moon is there, the reflection of the moment, the will of the fear to be held then that helps to maintain the fear because the moon is a light a star of life. So immerse yourself in this light and you will see deep within you this fear emerge and finally you will be free of it because in the end nothing can scare you. You cannot be in danger because life is created and undone but in an infinite dance movement so stop being afraid of life. Death is a stage, a transition, a world of life elsewhere populated by creatures of light. So walk and see the truth in yourself.