Stones and cristals

We do not own anything.

All that is ours is within us.

Should we buy crystals?

You are faced with choices that are yours. These choices are in resonance with your vibrations. The laws of nature are laws that are imposed on man. He has not understood these laws, he does not perceive them because he is too focused on himself. This man misses his Life. Nature has everything to offer him, he has nothing to beg for, nor to steal. Nature offers him everything he needs, his instinct knows it. Listen to the laws of nature, these laws are universal. These laws must resonate within you. You are a divine being. Listen to these laws, they are yours, they are the laws that govern the planet Earth. Know these laws.

They are within you, you carry them because you carry the respect of man, of the Earth.  Do not forget your purity. The Earth cannot be plundered, it does not belong to anyone. This is illusory. You are not of this world, you are experimenting on this Earth which is not yours, it cannot be yours because you do not belong to it and, even less, it does not belong to you. The species, the races, the plants, the flowers, the birds, the animals are beings apart but other Lives also exist and populate this Earth and its beauty. These beings need respect, Love, high vibratory beings. Your resonance is too low to understand this. Plundering the Earth, wasting its riches, you are exterminating yourselves. Do you want to contribute to this extermination? Do you want to be part of those who steal from nature? Yes, you need crystals. Yes, it allows you to activate codes within you. This is important, but do you need to own it? The resonances are done. Understand this. Respect nature. Being of Light, you cannot do otherwise than that. Your channel must be luminous, it cannot be tainted with impurity. We purify your bodies, we activate memories in you, we watch over you. We cannot advise you to buy stones because this harms, harms the origin of man, harms his destiny, harms the entirety of your system, it taints your own codes of possessing more and more because this quest never ceases, this stone will never be big enough, it will never be beautiful enough, it will never be expensive enough. It does not belong to you. Let your heart speak. Do not possess, you will have all that you need and already need for your existence, we will see to it. Listen to your heart.

Do not destroy, do not participate in the holocaust. This Earth breathes, this is its work, its alchemy.


You are only a stranger on this Earth. You do not have the right to possess such riches of beauty. Yes, the stones heal. They do not do everything. Your work is within. Refocus. Feel the energy flowing through you. Do you need daily support for this? We are there, we impulse in you a force of Life that no one can equal because our forces are much superior to those of matter. The stones activate codes in you. These activations are done in time. No need to do more. Go home with empty hands and a full heart. This is what we advise you to do.

Children of Light, your bodies are luminous. You do not need to possess, you have everything within you. Ask us, we are here to help you, we are here to awaken your consciousness. We understand the difficulties of earthly life, we cannot go there. We are too bright, our journey is over, we are arriving in other transformations. This world is hard because you are not awake. The Light will be done because the process has begun. Man is a divine being built by the creator, himself, but he does not know, he expects everything from others while he has everything within himself. He has not understood his path, his heart is locked, closed, he is in the total illusion of a world that does not exist. This world, he builds it, himself, in his own image. There is no being that is not divine. The matrix is thus constructed by the divine. This man seeks himself, he kills, massacres, destroys, steals... He carries within him the codes. His destiny is in his hands. The Earth can no longer bear this vile, destructive man, she suffocates. It is so bright, generous. Its fruits feed man. Man denies her. It is necessary to understand. Man's destiny is unique, here, in this universe.

He is the only one to have this possibility, the choice of experimentation at this level of density. He is lost in his abyss, governed by forces that he prefers to the Light.






S’il y avait une pierre, laquelle il faudrait absolument avoir ?

The stone of Love of course, there can be no other to enter in frequency with all that you carry. It is the universal frequency that you need to feed yourself, to feed your cells, your being, all that you are, inhabit. Go get this unique frequency and vibrate at this frequency. A stone on this subject, it is not in matter that you will find. You will find a pile of stones without ever reaching the right frequency, unique, universal of Love on which you must align yourself for the absolute that you carry. This absolute has only one frequency, Love.

Do we need a stone to help us work what we need to work?

You do need to fluidify your energies so that the circulation is complete and realized in each of your parcels. To do this, you need to open your chakras even wider than they already are. So yes, minerals are an asset that can support you in moving forward. In this you can take their vibrations to resonate with your own codes and enter into the given frequency of the mineral. You can do that, indeed you can. But there are other ways to enter into frequency with your chakras and to open them more to better receive the perceptions of the beyond and also to truly be yourself, what your being carries in all its greatness to move forward on the path and, of course, to resonate at said frequency, quite simply, without cost, without expense, without impacting anyone in matter, without consequence on anyone, just you and the given vibrations, given frequencies. This is what you need, to resonate it to open your chakras more, to adjust to the frequency that is right for your structures. Each level of your structures corresponds to a given frequency, find it, that is what you will have to vibrate with much more easily to advance to what you are, to the very essence of your being. Resonate, vibrate to these frequencies of universal Love.

Is a picture of the stones enough to resonate with their frequencies and therefore there is no need to buy and own them?

This is the way your matter works, which is not matter at all. You call it matter but understand that it is just a parade, a facade to what you believe to be. It is about assemblies. Everything is constituted in this way, they are powerful assemblies of energy that you see, in fact, behind the illusion of matter. So, yes, everything is frequency, everything is vibration, you can resonate with that without having them at your side or therefore possessing them. That is indeed what it is.