Freewill versus determinism

What does free will mean? Do we really have free will?

Free will is a very abstract notion for you. It refers, in fact, to something impalpable in your matter and yet it is a central function of what animates you and of what you really are, in fact, really in your structure. This notion of free will is a fundamental key for you, here, in this matter, it is the key for you to work, in fact, according to your own patterns and according to your own initiatives. This key is the key that opens the doors to a higher ultimate, that is what you must discover in each of you.

This notion of free will is an individual key and it is therefore to be determined by yourself, so there are no uniform rules to apply to it and to set it for your structures. It is in your codes, it is what you wear, it is what you have come to do, it is what your pattern pushes you to do, it is what you are able to do in relation to what you carry within yourself. This is the distinction that must be made, it is the gap between the two, the gap between the will of your being to work for its mission and its real and effective capacity to be able to implement it because the ego enters, of course, in this dimension and plays an absolutely important role in the will of the being to act for its own mission that it has in itself. So, this arbitrary notion of free will, for the time being, is confused in yourself, it is disturbed by this veil of the ego that puts it in front of you, it is a difficult key for you the notion of free will because it is locked by the ego that you all carry within you. It prevents you from accessing what you are and therefore that is free will, it is not to cross the step of the ego and therefore to let yourself be taken in by it and therefore it will dominate your being and you will not have access to the part of yourself that is behind this veil. That is free will, free will is the ignorance of what you are, it is the non-access to what you carry. Free will prevents you from accessing what you really are.

How can we define free will?

It is an abstract notion as we have said. This notion is impalpable to you because it refers to other principles that are not visible to you in your earthly state of being. These are principles that are governed by other, much more distant spheres. These principles apply to you, in spite of everything, even if they are impalpable for you. This is the principle of free will in all its definition, that is to say, it is a principle which is given to you to do or not to do according to what you wish to do or not to do. That is free will, you decide whether or not to do what is in you and therefore to act or not according to what your state tells you to do. So that is your free will, it is your brake to the access of yourself, it is a hidden part of yourself that prevents you from accessing the high frequencies that are therefore within you. Free will is there to prevent you from working and being what you are, divine beings incarnated on Earth in matter to serve a greater purpose than you.

Free will is the key word of your destiny, without it you cannot act by yourself. It is this that animates your steps, each day, each minute, each moment that passes in your structure, in your time, in your space-time. It is this free will that animates your vitality, it is this one that is, that carries you forward from day to day, from step to step towards a destiny unknown to you. It is this free will that pushes you to act, it is this free will that gives you the feeling of existing, it is this free will that maintains you in Life, it is this free will that pushes you to act and therefore to push doors and to move towards the Light. It is he alone who has this important role, so important that he is your structure, that he is your first asset to work, here, in the matter, it is to him that you must trust, it is to him that you must obey, it is to him that you must count to be what you are, It is to him that you must reveal yourself, it is to him that you must give yourself, it is to him that you must think and give, listen, it is to him that you must learn to work, it is to him that you owe your Life on Earth because it allows you to maintain yourself in Life. It is a powerful tool that has been given to you, even more powerful than the ego because it can surpass it. This is your destiny, so overcome your ego, overcome it because this is what it is. You must master this ego and it is free will that makes you understand the good and the bad that you carry from your actions.

What is the difference between ego and free will?

These two notions are not to be confused even if, however, the clarity does not appear. We must distinguish between the ego, the ego that is your self, your you, your property, your part of the shadow. The ego that prevents you from accessing what you really are. It is the dark part of yourself, your veil, your facade, your hiding place, your everything hidden behind this ego. Your part of you that does not want to face the reality of what it is for certain reasons. It was given to you, thus, in the matter, so that you have of yourself a sufficient will to advance on your path of Life which is sacred and thus, in parallel, the free will is a more random notion, lighter, finer than the ego. The ego is the facade, the ego is the deep facade of yourself while the free will, it is a key of opening to what you are. It is the key that you must insert in the lock, the door of the ego and it is by opening that you will have access to what you carry, to what is precious in you. Free will is the movement that will allow you to access what you are and to go through the door of the ego, it is the key to open the ego, it is the key that will push you to work in what you are, it is the key that will decide to activate the lever to open this door to the Light. That is what free will is, it is the will of yourself to do what you are and therefore to go beyond this ego that keeps you in the shadow of what you are. Free will is here, in matter, to allow you to counterbalance this ego that was given to you when you came here, in this matter. Free will is a key to opening up to the Light, think of it like that. It is up to you to activate it through movement; it is this that will make the most beautiful things and what you carry circulate within you. It is this that will bring you the Light of your destiny, it is this that will push the door of the ego, it is this that is your antidote to the ego, it is this free will. 

Why are we endowed with ego and free will? Why don't animals have this?

Your structures have the full dimension in themselves. Your structures are evolved, they carry layers superior to those of the animals of your Earth and to those of the plants even more. You have the ability to move that plants do not have, you have the ability to think that animals do not have in such a developed way. You have the capacity to act for the good of the community, you have the capacity of that in you and it is that the tools of which you were equipped, it is that which you carry in addition, you, earth being, here, in the matter, incarnated. It is so that your being understands what good it can do, so that it learns from its setbacks and integrates the Light into itself with its own will, its own capacity to go beyond what it sees, its own experience will make it a luminous being because it will have decided by itself and not executed. He will have had the full capacity to say yes I will go, no I will not go, yes I choose this, no I do not choose that. Here, what you have to do, here in the matter, is to learn to discern what you have to do, what you have come to do and finally understand what you are. It is to equip you with very luminous clothing, to learn discernment, to learn action by yourself and not simple executors in the service of. You are here to learn, to take your own steps forward, to build what there is to build, here, in your destiny. It is to help you evolve towards more beautiful horizons that you have these odds and ends, ego and free will. That is why you carry this.

It is so that you act by yourself, so that you feel in yourself what it is right to do for all humanity. This is your purgatory, this is your path, this is what will make you a being of Light. It is your destiny that leads you to choose, that is why you are incarnated.