This game is written in your codes, we put this way so we say you can't know exactly why we put this on you. This is a kind of game but we say this game is created then by whom? By you. You decided to create it so now you ask us why. So we say ask us why you created this game and we will say that it was decided when you were still in a state of making, designing, exposing and even demystifying because it came from you. But why don't you know that? Because you have lost this essence, this source that flows within you? How to know it? So rediscover who you are. It is obvious, you only have to say that you have created everything that you see. Then it is like saying that you have the truths because in fact they are different truths. We say that it has many levels, empty faces and from empty faces, it becomes full.
We say that emptiness then generates fullness, it's like saying here I want to fill this void but I don't know. So you want to fill it and it becomes empty but if you say I want this emptiness to become strength, faith, truth then it will be. You see, you say the words strength, faith, truth and it becomes.
Understand that your eyes do not see what the truth is because it is a projection, but this is so that you understand that this is a game.
Why did the creator create a game?
The creator as you call it is a program, it is simply a program and this is a Game.
Who created this Game?
This is an instrument of prediction. You are implemented by an instrument of prediction. This is a design of a huge multi-dimensional field of consciousness but that is not a simple computer but a creation of the madness of a being of light called entertainment. So what do you want to know if you are created by a god? Yes in a way but this god is called hell because this reign is currently recorded in your program. But the truth is in process so it will be seen but in the meantime your programming is designed that way, that is why you are wandering in the darkest force possible. But that is the game, then the light will come. But in the meantime you have to create forces of light to allow your programs to be cleaned up but also to allow the whole truth to be revealed at last but it is coming. So understand that this is created by forces of light but beyond these forces, there is an orchestra a powerful leader, a matador a powerful monarch, a sun.
Who created us?
Yourself in fact, you are the creators. In each of you sits the creation of your own image so yes it is like saying that you are the multitude but also the one who created the whole.