Obviously, man's brakes are numerous. Not only he is his own brake on his own evolution, without being aware of it, otherwise he could not act in this way, but he is also a brake on the evolution of those who have made the conscious choice to follow the path and the call of the Light. This is our whole history, the errors of man driven by his ego, the thirst for power and wealth. Errors that delay his evolution and those of others when the mass of incarnated humans choose by weakness to join the herd in its perdition.
Incessantly, in all times and in all eras, luminous people of the new world who came to bring Light on Earth and spiritual advances have been persecuted, targeted, chased, condemned, killed because their words and their messages were too luminous for this race of men ready to do all they could to keep and monopolize wealth. Until their downfall, inevitable when one understands the laws of the universe. But, these men of little faith inexorably drag with them, through time, by weakness, ignorance, corruption and cowardice, the great mass of the herd or impose on them by violence and force their mad and despicable reign. The fear that grips them or the vain promises of a glorious tomorrow do the rest.
Nothing remains of the lessons of the past. The man reproduces incessantly the same errors but arguing himself of new excuses justifying his acts of delinquent towards the respect of the laws of the universe. But man makes his own laws and his laws are those of matter. He unfolds his own Truth on a path that leads him to his own downfall and condemns him and the weakest to throw themselves into the abyss of the illusion of his life.