
What is hypnosis? How does it manifest itself on the bodies?

It is in fact a conditioning, it is a state which is not a natural state.

It acts on you by infusing you with a kind of mental manipulation, but in reality your state is modified because you are no longer conscious of yourself or of your own effects on life. You have lost the notion of what you are because you are in a state that keeps you outside your true manifestation. This is very harmful for your psyche, it is not healthy to put yourself in these states of wakefulness because you lose control of your presence and you imagine that you are there but you have lost control of yourself and this leads you to wander in dimensions that you do not control because you are under the influence of another consciousness that brings you to its manifestation.

This is not advisable, do not put yourself in this state of consciousness because you will lose your control and you will navigate, even wander in places unknown to you and this will disturb you afterwards because your memories will have activated these states and this period of absence will be anchored in your cells. Never do this at the risk of losing yourself and your self, this is very dangerous, you are not ready for this. It is necessary beforehand to totally master the modified states of consciousness in order to remain in contact with your self. This control is a necessity before any act of hypnosis because you lose your own sense of presence and in this you fall prey to new energies that you do not master. Stop this, you are not being asked to put yourself in these states beyond the reach and control of your own sovereign self. Stop this, you must not let yourself be invaded by states that you cannot control, you will lose your own consciousness because you will be under the consciousness of the beings that put you to sleep. Do not do this, do not cause irreparable damage to your structures, this is very dangerous and can lead to very unpleasant consequences for your own foundations. Your structures are not enlightened enough for this act. Others were able to do it at other times but those who manipulated these states of consciousness were of great purity which differs from today's beings, they are not inclined enough to carry a Faith within them to be able to act in this way on other beings, they are not prepared and they themselves put themselves in great danger because they are in contact with energies that they themselves do not master and they risk losing their self and engaging in unprepared acts, they are not cleansed enough for this.

In order for this to be realized in the pure truth of what hypnosis is, it is imperative that all the actors acting on a being of life be themselves of a very great psychological preparation and that their mind be free of any hold and any will to dominate, otherwise they will be in great danger for their own structure and emotional stability, because this game is not a game, it is a tool destined for the powerful, for the beings who are in total mastery of their own structure and without vanity, without any search for the satisfaction of their thirst for power. It is not about that, hypnosis is above all used to free souls from the torments of past lives and by relieving them, their liberation is the one that allows them to advance more easily towards the destiny that awaits them but if these beings who act are not washed of their sins then they will defile these people and the consequences are then very dangerous for the person who receives the vibrations of the one who puts to sleep and for the one who puts to sleep his or her prey because he or she will wake up the other one in a state that will be his or her own energy.

By channeling, there will be a rebound of the parts of the one on the other but also the latter will be subject to troubles that he will have succeeded in attracting from his prey and he will then have to free himself from them under penalty of being charged with the afflictions of the past of the other who is asleep. This is a double risk. Never do this without being prepared to receive a poorly controlled vibration from the other.

Purification is the first condition to manifest this power on a being that is not oneself. So don't play the pseudo-actors of a power that is so unknown and so likely to leave irremediable traces in you, because you will not be able to free yourself from this waste acquired during a badly controlled hypnosis session.