Spirit, Soul and physical body

The world is made up of a set of thoughts that are orchestrated by an energy center located in a ray of light. This energy channeled by man pours into his column and nourishes him. His soul is an element of this transmission. It distills in the matrix the powerful force of light. This connection is what allows man to live in this matrix and to perpetuate himself.

He is a channel of light.

The truth is that which fills the void, the strength to believe in the divine matrix. Truth is a light. It illuminates and awakens the soul. This one is locked.

Blood is an element made up of billions of bricks that gravitate without meeting. This is the definition of the universe. A connection without boundaries.

Faith unites life in a perpetual movement that has no beginning, but this faith is the force of the divine matrix because it connects earth to heaven. The destiny of life is a concept because it is intrinsic and perpetuates itself without end. This is the divine matrix, an eternal beginning because the fusion of the soul with the supreme light is a path of contemplation. The truth is that this is infinite because the strength of the soul is to believe that its destiny is a moment of life that flows into a material space that ends and so it regenerates its destiny in perpetual recommencement and this illusion provides the light-bearing soul with a path of thought that propels it into brighter dimensions because the strength is contemplation.

The absolute of this force is to propel beyond its matrix the power of the atom, the only particle animated by love. Love is this tenfold force that interacts and propels a being devoid of fear away from the trajectory. For this fear paralyzes the soul and locks it into a state that is not the soul's destiny. This fear is linked, connected to the matrix. This matrix enfolds the soul, captures it and imprisons it. The strength of the soul is the light. It is its deliverance, its destiny.

Your bodies are composed of billions of small atomic particles linked, connected in a multitude of points and give an appearance of corpulence. But matter is such that it condemns the possibility of escaping from it, so the soul must work to marvel in a restricted body and the contemplation of beauty is the main function of this matter which imprisons because the body cannot escape from the earth's density, but the soul is connected to an electromagnetic field which creates a path that goes beyond, leads to its belief in a world of light populated by billions of particles connected to worlds of higher dimensions. This power, by manifesting it, frees the soul from its gravity and it becomes a spirit. That is to say the manifestation of its transcendence. The power of this one is superior to the connection of the body to the soul because it controls the force of the soul in the body. It is inseparable from the soul and it works in other dimensions than the soul which projects its own force in it while projecting its reflection in the field of the divine matrix. The force of the soul is its destiny. It travels, as it develops it releases its fear and its power is manifested by the spirit of the soul which is a state of bliss, contemplation and liberation of the soul because it has fulfilled in its journey its destiny which is the connection of the spirit to the force of its own destiny which is none other than the fusion of the soul with its own experience which is the path of destiny, the one that begins without beginning and ends without end because such is the will of the light to create a permanent state

What is the difference between soul and spirit?

It is quite normal that the concepts of soul and spirit are confused for you as for many others. You think you know things because you have read, heard words, definitions and yet these terms are not familiar to you. This is an architecture, understand that. This is a specific construction of what you are. An edifice built by a superior will to create in its image beings of high frequencies, beings who will follow a path of evolution. These beings that you are are of a well-ordered architecture. For everything is governed by great laws called primordial, that is to say that they are the basis of the origin of your humanity. You possess because yes you are differentiated beings drowned in a cosmos. Understand this distinction. You exist as essence, as pure material divided into soul. Your soul is yours, it is individualized, here, in matter. It is unique. It carries within it vibrations, a destiny. It sails in the universes to meet other souls because there is a multitude of souls which travel through the worlds. But these souls are united. They are informed and they vibrate according to given frequencies. Each group of souls has its own vibration, its own frequency. Because they travel together in spite of the separations of distance, they are and remain united in their travels. Distances are nothing, they are a dust, an anecdote. Millions of years can separate you, it is not a border because they do not know the kilometers and their appointments are coded, memorized. Sometimes they manifest together and this creates, here on your Earth, alchemies of resonance and these beings find each other and live Love, the pure. You call this soul mates. This is rare. But it can happen. But the soul travels alone. It is connected to its family of souls. It belongs to a lineage. There are these divisions. As for the spirit, it is said to be pure spirit when it manifests the Light because it is capable of manifesting the Truth in matter. This pure spirit is the higher frequency of your being because it vibrates at a frequency of pure Beauty, of Love. This power can be reached and it is all the work that is required of you incarnated beings to manifest, to seek, to reach a state of bliss. This state is called Buddhist. Beauty is then in you, in your heart and resurfaces outside of your being to manifest itself to the eyes of each being. This state is nirvana, voluptuousness, the supreme manifestation here below. But this state is conquered, earned by actions of great purity, here, in matter. This is quite rare but it does exist. We know that your souls are led astray by lies, by the fear of facing your destiny, but believe that this is wanted by unscrupulous beings who want to dominate the nation, the Earth, you incarnated beings. Also, you are part of their plan of domination. Know that this cannot happen because your Father reigns on Earth as he does in Heaven and that he is tired of cruelty to the sheep he loves with an incomparable Love. You earthlings, free your heart, follow the guide who will be for he is already here. He is waiting. He is coming to you. Follow this child of God for he is bringing you to me. Do not fear, you will be led to your destiny. The Truth will burst forth and bring your Light down into you.

The soul is yours, the spirit is a guide, it is above, it is manifested by you, by your soul which must connect to reach this nirvana, this pure spirit, this soul works to take you to this state of bliss, this state of purity. The spirit commands, it dictates, it generates the Beauty in the beings if the soul receives it, it unites with it and then the being becomes God. That is to say that he recognizes in himself the frequencies of the divine Father. He knows. He is the one who has manifested. He is. The union of the two is called nirvana, bliss. Happiness is in the state of mind. The spirit puts its imprint on you through your soul. It generates, it manifests in you through your soul the desire to. The one that pushes you to live the existence here below, otherwise you would not be here anymore because without reason of being, you would live in a body without anything, without desire, without thought, without Life, without soul and without mission of Life. Understand that. It is matter that makes you conceive that you are this unique body that acts, lives, thinks, conceives and... but this body is a garment to dress the body of Life, Life. But Life is manifested, it is in the garment, not the other way around. The body is nothing, it is a garment, it is a vehicle, it condenses, it protects, it also manipulates you because you veil to the Truth of your true empty and powerful structure because your structure, your soul is light and it is fluid, it is quintessence, it is tiny but so bright, so ardent, so Light, it is a gift, it loves. It grows in you, it inhabits you and the spirit seeds, it commands, it connects the soul and it grows in you.

Are there several souls?

The soul is not one, it has several dimensions. It is not palpable, it feeds on the energy fields of the whole universe. The soul is multiple and makes you multiple men. You radiate these different fields. The soul is channels, channels of perception, of frequencies of all horizons. The soul lives, it pulses, it gives us its pulses, it gives us Life, it is the soul that influences in our bodies the vital energy that keeps us alive. It is extremely powerful, it is the forces of the universe concentrated to maintain our atoms together, it is an intelligent soul. It governs us. Either we are fully aware of it or it is only a thread like a stream of water, we must open the channel that connects us to our soul to let all its forces, all its strength, all its electromagnetic impulses pass through us, it is the reactor that feeds our fields, our vortexes. The more we are connected to our soul, the more we vibrate in intensity. It is our soul that captures the energies of the universe and redistributes them to us. It is multiport, multidimensional. We call it soul but it is an electromagnetic field. It is to it that we are connected. It is a reactor of intelligence and strength. Connect to your soul, the force will flow into you, connect to your reactor. It acts on your nervous system by impulses, waves. It is the force that gives life to your brain. Its power is limitless, it has access to the data of the universe.

Does the soul have wounds?

The soul is not real, it is not sick, it has no truth, it is not. The soul is actually an energy field that you channel, so to say that the energy field is sick is something that is not possible. What do you want to know? If the souls of the living beings on your earth are identical? The answer is yes, but you do not perceive the fields as identical, so that means that the soul is multiple, but it also means that it is a unified field that does not manifest itself identically. So you think that your souls are individualized but in reality your access fields are not identical but your soul is in fact unified so that means that you come, here on earth, with more or less established accesses and that your role is to access this higher field which is possible for you but you will not all be able to access so you say your soul is sick, you have to heal that by doing meditative practices, by correcting your behaviors, by identifying in you the brakes of access to your inner being. But in reality this is synonymous with saying that you are here to cleanse your fields and to activate in you the parameters that will allow your being to be able to contact other frequencies and for this it is necessary to increase your rate of vibration but also to activate in yourself the strength to believe in the truth of being these beings who have come here to improve themselves by increasing their vibrations and to reach these so-called higher frequencies. But in reality we do not like to call these frequencies low or high because that is not the truth. There are no frequencies that are called low as much as there are frequencies that are called higher but that allows you to situate where you are in your own inner evolution but the reality is that the frequency is there present but not manifested so it is not fair to say that his frequencies are high and not his in fact we would prefer to say that he has energies that are not yet manifested while he has manifested energies that are said to be higher but that are in reality not different but much higher in that the frequency is not located on the same manifestation.

All this is thus synonymous with manifesting the truth to its highest degree that it is possible for an incarnated being here. To do so, he must understand that this will require efforts and a lot of patience because access to these fields is not given, he must learn to draw his strength from within, to ask himself how he can access them and then to practice the discipline that will bring the manifestation of truth in this matrix called earth, but this also requires a lot of light, that is to say, an understanding of what an energy field is. We explain to you that truth is stored in so-called higher frequency fields but these fields are actually present within you but not accessible.

Can our souls grow and change?

The soul is a current but yes it can evolve. It has to grow, to pursue its path. Its destiny is unlimited, it is this current, this force, this electromagnetic field destined to wander, travel, grow and evolve. Yes it is but this field is not sick, it is not conceivable, it is your earthly terms but no.

Are our souls always bright or can there be dark souls?

What you call dark souls is in reality what we call non-luminous channels. Yes it is possible, you have some here but in fact these non-luminous channels are not said to be luminous in the sense that they still have to improve and for that, yes, they have to start again and manage to light up their channels by actions of kindness. The choice of life belongs to the creation but the soul is the force of the creation so the force of one is linked to the force of the other but not vice versa. You are guided but the soul is the force.

What is the difference between a soul that is not sick and a soul that must evolve and grow that is not luminous?

A soul that is not luminous has simply not finished its journey while the soul called luminous is more advanced. We distinguish these states but sick is not a word, it is a concept invented from all sides but it does not reflect a truth. The truth is inscribed in the evolution but the disease is not a term of vibration.

How are our souls different?

Your souls are the reflection of your actions, past and future. But they are not equal in the sense of journey. So you cross paths here but you don't meet each other. Indeed your souls are different in the sense that you work at different actions here.

Why are our souls warriors?

Your souls belong to related soul families but they are also guides, forces of higher dimensions. They help you to evolve but they also fight against the lie. The truth is here but you do not see it. Your souls are your beacons, they guide you but they are not only that. They are a set of varied fields but united because the will of creation is to link souls so we say they are warriors. The soul is not male or female but current, force, fields and vibrations. But we say this because they have the strength to go forward and this gives them the privilege of the qualification of fighter, hero, greatness.