Feel your hearts vibrate with love, yes love. Do you know what this term is? Is it a word, a simple word that you say or is it more than that? Do you think you love? Do you know what love really is? Do you know what love is, the one that transcends joys, the one that animates hearts. This term, the true love is the one that does not deteriorate, neither with the age, nor in the time, nor in the day of a being, nor in the life of a man. It is this term that transcends because it carries in its vibrations the voluptuousness, the greatness of a whole manifested by your beings because you are this manifested one and this love which unites you also disunites you because you occult what this term is. It has a deep meaning, it carries within it the greatness of truth, the truth is hidden in its vibrations. Breathe them in, they are the ones that will soon vibrate because the world is changing, the earth is lighting up and voluptuousness is going to manifest itself. Love is the stone. Yes, the philosophical stone so sought after. This stone so coveted, so admired and so stolen because you believed that this stone of God was but in reality, it is the fruit of the one who has seen and deserves to possess in his being the Faith. He is the one who has manifested his strength to believe.
He received, in him, the power of his victory over his being. He has received this gift, this stone, this torch. This manifestation which opened in his bosom allowed the power of God to be born in him. His Faith is the one that leads him to his own Light and the notion of Love is the one that links the manifestation of his being to the belief of a superior being called God or Lord or whatever his name is because he is the bearer of Love. His power is within him. His manifestation is the one that will give birth in his soul to his destiny to be a being that brings Love, a being of grace descended here on earth to manifest the power of his Father and to bring in the beings, the manifestation of the divine alchemy that connects the souls between them. For this connection is. It carries within it the will to advance towards the Truth, the one that is hidden so deeply in your memories and its activation is now a matter of months because its greatness is omnipresent and it will be released in its time and this time is at the door of your own structure. So welcome it and be ready to receive me for I am coming to awaken you and your structures are in the process of perfecting their will for you are connected to a matrix that prevents you from seeing the Truth and this Truth is within you. So draw from within yourself. Your destiny is soon to be brought to light. So children, be ready to manifest your belief and Love will arise. Your strength will be that of union for you are One. You will be united again as the world changes. The Earth is calling to manifest this unity. Only way of remission and will of the Lord to see you united in the heart by the thread of Love that flows in your veins. It is the sacred lamb of your unity. This thread is the manifestation of your Love for existence.
This is what you must understand. Existence is yours and the link that leads you to this new world is that of Love.