It is a very particular term for you, here, being earthbound, that this term absolute. It is really an impalpable term, completely impalpable. That's for sure, that's it. It is a term that only makes sense when you pay special attention to its depth, to the very essence of this term. It is a term of the absolute, so it is a term that means the All, the totality in its entirety, the totality of All in the One, united by the All, that is the absolute. That is what it means to you. It is a term that links the whole of the Whole and that constitutes, thus, in its form and in its very essence a Whole, a single, unique, absolute. That is the absolute. So, to speak of the quest for the absolute is a path, a path towards that, a path towards the total connection of the whole of the Whole which unites the Whole to its globality, to its totality. This is the quest for the absolute. It is the connection of All in the One, in the Self, in yourself, in your depth, in your very essence, in your intrinsic, in your All. This is the absolute. It is your search in your absolute depth, the deepest of what you have in yourself, the most internalized that you can have, that is the quest of the absolute. It is your own quest. There is no other quest but your quest. That is the way it is. This is the path that you must take and that the earth beings must take, lead, succeed, go in search of their own interiority in a depth that is immense. That is what the quest for the absolute is, it is the Whole. What is, in you, is united in One. You are the whole of the totality of existence because you are a parcel of the Light. That is what you are. You are a particle of the whole of what exists, you are an element of the Whole and therefore you are also the Whole. It is thus and by connection you are there, also, an entity, only one you form.