Life is an escape.
It is necessary to conquer the feeling which is vile and unconscious to find the Light of the soul, the one which illuminates like a lighthouse all the darkness of the nothingness and which strikes like a lightning the manifest obscurantism of the not evolved beings and in war with themselves.
This obscurantism is manifested by fear, madness, mediocrity of actions and gives rise to vain, futile, sterile wars which further impoverish these unevolved beings in an endless cycle of unconsciousness because the soul is consciousness and not unconsciousness as we imagine it. It lives, it is, it vibrates by its presence. Its radius is so vast that we cannot see its finitude. Vast as the world created by the hand of the One, creator of the All, in his image, sublime, pure, multitude and absolute.
This vastness of being is misunderstood, unrealized, buried, hidden behind masks of suffering of the heart and the soul asks only to live.
The One will reunite the All in a vast dance, hymn of Love, the only real and constructive melody of a multitude of atoms intertwining infinitely in an immeasurable fullness and in the divine matrix. This epic is realized in the hearts, center of the Whole in the Self.
The heart is a factor of universality by the interweaving of the energies that it connects, symbiosis of a Whole in the Self.
Here is the expression of the divine voluptuousness.