Who are us ?

You are beings in transition to other worlds, you are in a period of testing on the Earth that you call Earth. This is your mission, to learn in order to increase your power and to activate in you precious parcels that will allow you to access higher spheres in vibratory rate so that your capacities multiply and that your Truth is born in you, in what you are.

It is therefore up to you, here on Earth, in this matter, to experience what you are. And your capacities, you must apprehend them to exceed them and exceed your ego which is of a great power because you are, here, in the matter, in the density and that draws you towards the gravity, towards the recesses of yourself which are pieces of shade to work by yourself.

You are here on Earth to work on yourselves and to become much more luminous beings so that you can then go on to new cycles of incarnation in other more divine places.

That is why you are here on Earth, it is to work on yourself, on what you really are before you can go to other territories higher in frequency than the planet Earth.

Are we all equal on Earth human beings?

The notion of equality is relative. It is, for you, very marked in that you have made it one of the very principles of your constitution, but you must know that the principle of equality is a non-objective principle that belongs to you and is part of your definition, here on Earth. We do not conceive of it in the same way in the other spaces where we are connected. This is what equality means, in fact, it is your connection with each other because you are, in fact, one great entity not disconnected from each other and everything is connected for you, between you. You form the One, an inseparable unity so, in that sense, it is quite obvious to say that you are considered equals since you are connected to one another to form a complete connection in your earth system. So this is what equality means to us. Indeed, you have another meaning that is deployed on this word but, ours, it is this one. So, in this sense, you are equals because you are completely connected, all connected, to each other.

How can we form a single entity since we are all individuals and we all have our own soul? 

Indeed, all these words are quite complex for an earthly being. It is obvious that this is very subtle. Even for us, it is quite complicated to describe it with the words that belong to you. You must understand that what you call an entity is not the sum of all your individualities. It is not really that. It is another way of functioning. You are all connected to each other in the sense that the action of one has sometimes irreversible consequences on the others and vice versa. It is, thus, as a cascade, that you influence each other, here on Earth, without you really being aware of it and therein lies the problem because you would not act in this way if you were aware that this has instantaneous, immediate and irreversible repercussions sometimes on others around you, whether you carry them in your heart or not. We would say that this creates in you, this connection but it also creates at the level of your planet, at the level of your Earth, of you the inhabitants who inhabit it, a link, a knot, a bond, a thread that unites you all, one to the other, and it is therefore that, in this, that you form a Whole, a unity since there is no individual action without effect on the others who live here. That is how it is and that is what it is. It is vibratory. It propagates, at a given moment, from a starting point to an ending point. So that's how it is. Everything is linked, connected, connected. That's how it is. It is a system. It is an assembly that brings you all together. Indeed, you form the One in this sense. This is what you have to think about, work on, reflect on, with each step, each word you say, each intention. This will have repercussions on your fellow human beings in such a way that it can cause suffering in others. You do have a soul of your own because you are incarnated with a soul of your own, which is destined for you and with which you work. You work on its evolution from incarnation to incarnation. It belongs to you. This is your very essence. This is your part of divinity that connects you to us, the higher beings. 


What did we come to Earth for?

Answering this question is, in fact, the answer to why you are here and it gives your meaning to your coming to Earth. We do not call that Life your Life is not limited to this earthly space of time but that they are life courses in quotation marks because they are cycles that are repeated, that are prolonged, that are enchained from everywhere. This is not Life.

Life is not a notion for us, it is not the right word, in any case, in your matter that corresponds to reality. It is therefore necessary to understand that your coming to Earth, here, is to help your fellow man, who is yourself, and therefore to love one another in order to be a very beautiful entity of Light and therefore to act with power on what surrounds you by the strength of your spirits and the strength of your connections, which will then be of great power, because this multiplies your capacity to act by having the capacity to understand that you are a Whole.