Faith is the process of purification by which man must become a man of God. That man who does not have Faith cannot claim to be a being of life. Life is given but only God gives life. Do not believe that you are life-giving beings, no, do not misunderstand. Life is given and life cannot be lived without seeing a higher power. Life is given to you so what are you waiting for to give your Faith to the one who created your life. You have to prostrate yourselves, become beings of Faith otherwise you will not be beings of life but beings who wander then. Come forward to me, your Father, in Faith. I will see you and then I will liberate you but without Faith no deliverance, no Salvation. Yes, come back to me and I will free you. Go forward. Come forward. Come, I am still here for a while but then life will go away because I will not be able to maintain on earth such a fear, such a monstrosity on the part of the beings to whom I have given life. Walk towards me child. Come now, I am waiting for you, but do not delay, for life will take you to other states if you do not awaken to my Faith.
I, your Father, ask you to follow me. Open your being and receive my graces.
I, your Father, bring you Faith
I, your Father, give you Salvation but you, what do you give me? Desolation, suffering, fear, misery, yes. What have you done here with all my jewels? You have destroyed the Faith and you are like beings thirsty for death. Come towards me, I will free you from death but do not delay because life will not stay, so come.
Why does having faith protect us from the coronavirus?
Faith protects you from the disease because you are no longer beings of earth but beings of life, the difference is great because you no longer live for yourself but you live for a being of life who gave you faith. So this is why you are no longer beings of earth but beings of life. You knew how to come back to me so you had to sacrifice your family, your life on earth and also sometimes your own siblings, you had to go through ordeals, live at my pace, listen to me, see me, cry to me and finally you overcame your own demons, your own fears. You have found faith again. In you I am but you don't know how to find me so I show you but you don't see me because you don't see that life is given, you think that life is made but by whom? By you? No, by me. Yes. So then, I let you come to me, when you are ready to receive me I receive you but not before. You must learn to see me; to discover me; to understand me, but you do not see. You must know how to find me. You see me when you suffer but when you go as you think you are going you forget that I am there so that is not the way. You can only reach me in humility, in the strength to love. I guide you but you don't see me, you think I am invisible but you see me. If you look for yourself you find me. If you look at yourself, you see me. So open yourself to my faith.