
You will have to face the fact that Faith is the key. It is the secret so guarded by your elders. But your elders have decided to give you the mysteries of Faith. Faith is pure. It is a vessel of God himself. He has put his mark on it and this leads you to work because Faith is the one that transcends all passions and propels the being into a dimension of Love. This Faith is the secret so hidden because nothing can be superior to this feeling, this state of thought and this state of vibration which brings Faith. It vibrates at a dimensional range to reach other worlds or galaxies or universes or life or life cycle or fulfillment because yes Faith is the one that brings and carries within it fulfillment, that state of grace granted to those who are convinced of the will to create life through Love. The only vibratory state connected to this state of well-being of fullness. The strength of Faith lies in its simplicity: to believe. This simple word is in fact the link between your world below and the other universes. It forces you to accept that you, incarnated life beings, do not own your essence but that it is governed by a higher force called God or according to each one with his own religious or personal expressions. It does not matter. Faith is the vibration that unites you, that brings you together and that forces you to believe in the superior force of the divine, the Father. The one who creates Life, the one who governs the world, the worlds because they are linked, connected to the whole. But without Faith, what do you become? Beings of fear, of coldness and of war. For this prevents you from loving. Without Faith, you do not think what you carry, Love.

Faith brings this sensation, this well-being, this euphoria of loving. For it is the mystery. Faith guides your steps, it emerges from elsewhere and this force born in you, helps you to move forward, to heal your wounds, to consider yourself as children of God, to carry Joy within you. The only emotion worthy of replacing Love when life works because Love is indescribable, it is lived in oneself whereas Joy is this emotion that is shared, that is generated, that is communicated. A smile, a tear of joy, a cry of joy, a thought of joy gives the desire to. Whereas Love is lived within, in one's own interior, it emerges from one's body but it is different. It is calm, it is pure, whereas Joy is significant of impetus, spontaneity, grace, laughter, tears, sharing. Love is so strong that it allows the externalization of Joy through emotion. That is what it is. Without Faith, there is no Love and without Love there is no Joy because Joy is this feeling of exaltation, this frenzy, this impulse to. This desire of. This aura gives respect and admiration because man is by nature joyful and exalted, fulfilled and happy. So why is this not seen or so little? Why are so many men sad? Why is this if Joy is an inner, intrinsic feeling? Because man has lost his faith. He has lost his strength to believe in a creator God. He has lost the strength to love. So how can we find Faith again, that impulse of purity which confers the strength to love oneself, the strength to love life and the joy which flows from it and which is communicated like a frenetic emotion?

The truth is hidden in Faith.

The strength to love the other is dependent on Faith and Joy comes from the strength to love because it is a manifestation of Love in matter.

Listen, child of Life, Faith is your Salvation, here on earth. Learning to live without Faith is like living without believing in your existence. You see that you are while you do not see me. I am in you, I live in you, I help you to evolve. I turn to you now because the time to live has arrived, the time to turn to me is near. Choose. Your Salvation is the one that will be delivered to you if you accept me. If it is a difficulty for you to look at me, then be blessed but I will not be able to accompany you further into glory and beauty for only the chosen ones, that is the beings of Faith, will know their strength to believe in me. My mission is to bring you back, to bring you to follow me, but it is your choice. Listen to this, this is a way for you to find me. What would you do if you saw me tall, handsome, strong, rich and sure of my presence? You would be tempted to follow me. But if I am ugly, fat, dark, dull, would you want to follow me? The answer is no. This is intuitive. This is the Truth. You are attracted to the beautiful, the bright, the form. Faith is a Light, a beauty and a greatness but it is not seen. So how can you have faith? It is not tempting. While Faith and Light are beings, we do not see them. How to draw Faith, how to measure Faith, how to show myself to everyone without being materialized? It is a test for me to convince you of my goodness, my aura, my strength, my beauty and my ability to take you to the true Light. But how can you believe me, you do not see me. Even when you open your eyes, I do not exist and yet some believe me, honor me and protect me by praying for my glory. But, not the others. Why do they not? That is a mystery. We know that your frequencies are a way for you to find me but that is not apparent either. So why follow me, why believe me in you if you do not see me, because I am there, I maintain the strength of your being but it is imperceptible. So how can I manifest myself to you before the Earth chooses to leave you in the low frequencies at the time of its upcoming celestial ascension? How do I follow? This is a test for me. I asked myself, how do I bring faith to you? Then I found it. I call you to join me by the way of creation. I have placed before your eyes, nature, form, Joy, Love, freshness, confidence, freedom. You open your eyes and what do you see? Life around you. Yes, life, forms, laughter, tears, cries, quarrels, relationships, love, fields of wheat, young people alive, not so young people laughing, beings of life. So look, they are animated by Life. I offer you Life.

Faith is the process of purification by which man must become a man of God. That man who does not have Faith cannot claim to be a being of life. Life is given but only God gives life. Do not believe that you are life-giving beings, no, do not misunderstand. Life is given and life cannot be lived without seeing a higher power. Life is given to you so what are you waiting for to give your Faith to the one who created your life. You have to prostrate yourselves, become beings of Faith otherwise you will not be beings of life but beings who wander then. Come forward to me, your Father, in Faith. I will see you and then I will liberate you but without Faith no deliverance, no Salvation. Yes, come back to me and I will free you. Go forward.   Come forward. Come, I am still here for a while but then life will go away because I will not be able to maintain on earth such a fear, such a monstrosity on the part of the beings to whom I have given life. Walk towards me child. Come now, I am waiting for you, but do not delay, for life will take you to other states if you do not awaken to my Faith.

I, your Father, ask you to follow me. Open your being and receive my graces.

I, your Father, bring you Faith

I, your Father, give you Salvation but you, what do you give me? Desolation, suffering, fear, misery, yes. What have you done here with all my jewels? You have destroyed the Faith and you are like beings thirsty for death. Come towards me, I will free you from death but do not delay because life will not stay, so come.

Why does having faith protect us from the coronavirus?

Faith protects you from the disease because you are no longer beings of earth but beings of life, the difference is great because you no longer live for yourself but you live for a being of life who gave you faith. So this is why you are no longer beings of earth but beings of life. You knew how to come back to me so you had to sacrifice your family, your life on earth and also sometimes your own siblings, you had to go through ordeals, live at my pace, listen to me, see me, cry to me and finally you overcame your own demons, your own fears. You have found faith again. In you I am but you don't know how to find me so I show you but you don't see me because you don't see that life is given, you think that life is made but by whom? By you? No, by me. Yes. So then, I let you come to me, when you are ready to receive me I receive you but not before. You must learn to see me; to discover me; to understand me, but you do not see. You must know how to find me. You see me when you suffer but when you go as you think you are going you forget that I am there so that is not the way. You can only reach me in humility, in the strength to love. I guide you but you don't see me, you think I am invisible but you see me. If you look for yourself you find me. If you look at yourself, you see me. So open yourself to my faith.