


Listen child of life, Faith is your salvation, here on earth.

Learning to live without Faith is like living without believing in your existence.

You see that you are while you do not see me. I am in you, I live in you, I help you to evolve. I turn to you now because the time to live has arrived, the time to turn to me is near.


Your Salvation is the one that will be delivered to you if you accept me. If it is a difficulty for you to look at me, then be blessed but I will not be able to accompany you further into glory and beauty for only the chosen ones, that is, the beings of faith, will know their strength to believe in me. My mission is to bring you back, to bring you to follow me, but it is your choice.

Listen to this, this is a way for you to find me. What would you do if you saw me tall, handsome, strong, rich and sure of my presence? You would be tempted to follow me. But if I am ugly, fat, dark, dull, would you want to follow me? The answer is no. This is intuitive. This is the truth. You are attracted to the beautiful, the bright, the form. Faith is a light, a beauty and a greatness, but you can't see it. So how can you have faith? It is not tempting. While faith and light are beings, we do not see them. How to draw faith, how to measure faith, how to show myself to everyone without being materialized?

It is thus a test for me to convince you of my goodness, of my aura, of my strength, of my beauty and of my ability to take you into the true light. But how can you believe me, you do not see me. Even when you open your eyes, I do not exist and yet some believe me, honor me and protect me by praying for my glory. But not the others. Why? That is a mystery.

We know that your frequencies are a way for you to find me, but that too is not apparent. So why follow me, why believe me in you if you do not see me because I am there, I maintain the strength of your being but it is imperceptible. So how do I manifest myself? I sent my son, a being of great dimension on this earth was years. He was sacrificed. So how can I manifest myself to you before the earth chooses to leave you in the low frequencies at the time of its upcoming celestial ascension? How to follow me? This is a test for me. I asked myself, how do I bring faith to you? Then I found it.

I call you to join me through the path of creation. I have placed before your eyes, nature, form, joy, love, freshness, trust, freedom.

You open your eyes and what do you see? Life around you. Yes, life, forms, laughter, tears, cries, quarrels, relationships, love, fields of wheat, young people alive, not so young people laughing, beings of life. So look, they are animated by life.

I offer you life.