The suicide




What is suicide? Does it disrupt the evolutionary path of the soul?

Suicide is a transitory state, it is not an ephemeral state in the sense that it does not allow one to evolve according to the path proposed and chosen by the being at the time of incarnation. It hinders the evolution of the being in its destiny. So yes, suicide is not harmless, it does not allow the being to pursue his destiny classically because the experiences are not finalized. So yes, he will come back to incarnate but in a different field because it will not be in the thread of what was organized by the being. The latter has prematurely ended an experience when it should have been finalized or at least realized, but he decided that he could no longer stand this life and ended his life as it is said on your planet. But the reality is different. In fact, he decided to abrogate his life path as opposed to the will of life which is to end but this is subtle so we will say that the being who manifested this decision to end his experience in matter is not a being of life but a being of fear. He did not know how to overcome his anguish and preferred to abrogate his suffering by a shortened end but this cannot be so because the soul has an evolution and this comes to disturb this ascension. Then the being will have to come back but in other plans than the one initially chosen because the soul cannot advance any more in the same frequency. The being has left to stop this option which is to choose an incarnation and to hold on to it for the given time. So yes, suicide is not a harmless decision because the being is plunged into a deep fear and this hinders the evolution of his soul. So what about people who think about suicide but do not act? Does this concern you? Then we would like to talk to you about it. Stop thinking about death, it is not allowed. You are not one of those who refuse to face their destiny. You will overcome yourselves and succeed in overcoming the trials. You are not one of those who run away from their truth. You will come to realize your power. Wait for it. Now we continue with the so-called suicide. Where does she go? He will wander for a while in a neighboring plane, but not the plane of the dead, for this is a transition from death, one state to another. But the slow transition of a suicide is not like the transition of the dead. They go through a different process and this is manifested by the fear of being abandoned because the soul then detaches itself from the body and the latter, yes, it also remains in matter but the soul detaches itself and pursues its destiny. But how because the soul cannot allow itself to leave immediately because the action of the being was a brake then it must go down again but not immediately. That is why we say that this is not a transitory state. The soul must first announce that it wishes to leave but this is not so easy because the detached soul will wander in its turn in search of a world of stabilization because this soul is in the grip of procrastination, it wanders in the cosmos, the home of bereaved souls who are not ready to leave. What happens then? She must decide whether or not she is ready to face her path again, for the soul has the gift of knowing what suits her. But the soul may not have the strength to evolve according to its choices. So it is appropriate that she be accompanied but this can only be done if she chooses to do so because nothing is imposed on the soul ready to become an incarnate being again. Then the decision is heavy with consequences because the soul has failed to maintain life in the incarnated being, it has failed to instill in it the will to be, but that is not all, it has failed in the manifestation of the will in matter. But this is not yet all. The soul has also failed in being what it has decided to be, i.e. a being incarnated to lead its life, the chosen experience. So yes, suicide is a transitory state but not ephemeral because it is a matter of determining what it will be. While the soul of a departed being is connected, it has its destiny even if the being failed him, the soul tried and was able to maintain sufficient strength so that he does not commit suicide. But it is different when the soul has passed by this power. It is in disinheritance for a time before being able to return to incarnate in a world of life.